Trail Fun Day
March 22 @ March 22 - March 22
Interested in Learning more about Competitive Trail?
Interested in becoming a Judge for Equine Trail Sport?
If Yes to either of the above, this Fun Day is for you!
As a rider: We will have a riders’ meeting and obstacles set up, complete with criteria sheet, to familiarize you to how obstacles are set up for Equine Trail Sports. You will have the opportunity to go through the obstacles, choosing the level you’d like to attempt-just like in competition. Group size limited to 25
Cost: Free for Franklin County Saddle Club Members
$25 for non-members
As a judge: We will have a judges’ meeting. You will be assigned an obstacle, complete with criteria sheet and have live practice. An excellent way to prepare for the season if you are experienced or a wonderful way to get in some valuable “live” practice before you judge at your first competition. In order to participate as a judge, you need to have completed the online requirements for judging on the ETS website. (see under the judges’ tab) Group size limited to 10
Cost: Free
Check in
Discussion about Decision Tree-all
Judges’ Meeting/Riders’ Meeting
Everyone on the Course
Questions or Concerns? Want to reserve your spot? Please contact Kathy Lepore (509)430-2571 or so we can adequately plan.
For more information please