Hat Burning Clinic

FCSC Clubhouse 2801 Rd 60Pasco,

Get ready to craft a one-of-a-kind, stylish cowboy hat at our Hat Burning and Decorating Workshop! Join us on Saturday, January 18th at 1:00 pm for a fun and creative experience that blends country charm with hands-on art. Learn the art of hat burning, add your unique flair with decorative elements, and take home a custom hat […]


Cinch Making Clinic

FCSC Clubhouse 2801 Rd 60Pasco,

Join us at our Cinch Building Clinic in Pasco, WA, on Saturday, February 8th, 2025, where you’ll have the chance to explore your artistic talents and meet like-minded individuals who share your passion for creating beautiful cinches. This introductory cinch-making clinic will cover a wide range of topics, including Cinch Materials – Natural vs. synthetic […]


2025 FCSC Tack Swap

FCSC Grounds 2801 N ROAD 60, PASCO, WA

The FCSC Annual Tack Swap has been set for Saturday, March 8th.  We will be using the same format as last year with both inside and outside spots available to rent.  First space is $25 and extra spaces can be added at $15 each.  For more information contact Jean Lewis at 509-521-8996 or email at […]

Trail Fun Day

FCSC Grounds 2801 N ROAD 60, PASCO, WA

Interested in Learning more about Competitive Trail? Interested in becoming a Judge for Equine Trail Sport? If Yes to either of the above, this Fun Day is for you! As a rider: We will have a riders’ meeting and obstacles set up, complete with criteria sheet, to familiarize you to how obstacles are set up […]

ETS is BACK !! Equine Trail Sports

FCSC Grounds 2801 N ROAD 60, PASCO, WA

April in Pasco! It will be fun! Take advantage of “Save My Spot” so we know you’re coming! For more information or to Save your Spot visit the website: https://www.equinetrailsports.com/event/16391/

Spring Time Open 2025

FCSC Grounds 2801 N ROAD 60, PASCO, WA

A WSH "B" show and the first of the 2025 FCSC Open Shows.  A two-day show that will put the best equine and human partner to the test.  This is a 50-year tradition and we look forward to seeing you again this year!  Approved by both Northeast Zone and Zone 1 for points.  

Summerfest 2025 – 2 Day WSH Open Horse Show

FCSC Grounds 2801 N ROAD 60, PASCO, WA

Summerfest was started in 1990 and continues a 35-year tradition!  Come finish out the FCSC Show Series strong by showing at this 2-day, 2-judge show in Pasco, Washington.  Check out the details on our Show Schedule page.  

Steve Rother Horsemanship Clinic

Check out the Website the School of the Horse website for more detail. For more information contact Cathy Ricard: (509)521-0886